This Is PPISMPBI1610 a.k.a TESL CREW
i like this pic...
so as this one...
why?coz my friends are important to me <3 <3 saranghaeee (eeeuuuwwww :p )
let me introduce to u all these important people who i'll be facing for each n everyday of my life(exaggerate :p )
Standing row: Apis, Tim, Jali, Elin, Alice, Jack, Atie n Gary, Aisyah, Jeehan, Teaq, Adell, yours truly
Half standing row: Nadia, Eddie, Ira, Ninie, Mira
Duduk row: Doo, Arel, Niera, Dzele, Ijam
there r 23 of us in total(should've been 24 but Rafiq quits,haha :p )
10 handsome guys n 13 beautiful ladies...
urrmmm...since i got nothing to do this morning, no class, no laundry to do, guess i got the time to tell u about each n everyone of them,mwahahahahhaa (jan mrah aaaa kwn2,hhe :p )
first, Apis..good guy,friendly (ya ka?bole la jgak frenly coz he was one of the guys that i knew in the early days of me entering IPGKTAR, ceh, haha)...he's the tech guy of the class...if u need help related to any 21st century contraption, he's the guy u would wanna call,hhe...
next is Timothy...he's the guy who, i think is a good listner (konon rsany btul jgk la..) n very loud! loud as in VERY LOUD! but always become the victim of kena olok,hehehe :p..also known as the sound effect guy,bwahaha :p
then came Jali...i pay lot of respect for this guy...he's the one who cooks, etc2....thats some of the reason why, theres a lot actually, but i'll just state a few (nti kmbang brabis plak,haha :p)...should be next sem group leader,,seriously, he should be...
Elin...she's the silent type but did her job...i don't know much abt her..but through my observations and various sources(ceh), she's the kind of girl who really takes good care of her health...unlike me, i'll eat watever i want, sleep whenever theres time n exercise when i feel like it,hehe...complete opposite :p
Alice....urrggghhhh....aaaaa....what???...(eyes flickering vigorously followed by a blank stare) idea,hahaha :p...again, even after 3 semester being together, i still can't understand alice..perhaps arel understand her offence, but the fact that she rarely involves in any activities in classes n hard to even...dh la,pnjg sgt, org lain 3 line jk, ni line k 4 sda ni,dah2 :p....
Jack...hahaha...the guy from kanowit...anak cigu,really got a strong stand in what he believes, a good debater (we should've won..kan jack???hehe :p ), n a good friend me, u can count on him...(bole ka jack?haha :p )
Atie...good girl, scandal gary, athletic, loves to drink coffee, scandal gary, muntah pas makan, good at netball, scandal gary, dusun descendant(tapi galap,hehe :p ), scandal gary, a good friend also, a joker(sometimes), scandal gary. :p
Gary...good leader(have to admit, u are...mohon jangan bangga :p ), scandal atie, loves to play dota, sometimes 'blank2', scandal atie, over dramatic, very dedicated in what he do especially in assignments but mostly in everything he do(huh?), scandal atie, scandal atie, scandal atie....:p
Aisyah...silent type n rarely talks to boys, but she's okay with me...kan syah???hehe...very kind, always stands for women's right(wassehhh), already had a boyfriend(alaaaaaa), open, neutral, baek, occasionally came late to class,hhe...:p
Jeehan...class monitor, good friend, good at maths(ya ka??), the only left handed person in the class(thats why he's very vulnerable to accidents,hehe), listen to others, kind heart inside(bangga dia ni knpom,hhe :p ), down to earth n...dh la, ckup2...:p
Teaq...keras palak!hhe, but listen to other's opinion in some cases, really cares abt her friends, keras palak!, already had a boyfriend(cettt,mlepas lagi..), ptong kuku msa kelas pengantar pendidikan, good friend, ain't afraid to tegur others(maybe la sbb dy brni tgur ak,hhe..thanks 4 tht btw), keras palak tp baek, dah2, 4 line sda ni, x ble lbih2, hhe :p....
Adell...short term memory loss,ahaha...but she's nice,can cook, reads this blog occasionally, kind kot, loves to read books n blogs, kwn baik hanis zalikha (wekkk :p), always gives shares her food (even though the tricks that i used is getting old,hhe :p), good at english, i mean really, the only one who can beat me(trep ebat,ahaha :p )...
Nadia...loves to drink cola(even though she knows the hazardous of a cola is, she still kept on drinking it,hhe..:p), keras palak!, kind, too soft, got a 'sik pa la' kind of attitude,hhe, loves to drink cola(even though she knows that cola contains substance used in toilet cleaner, eeeuuwwww,hhe :p) lastly, kind...dah..
Eddie...penolong jeehan, penolong ktua klas, naib ketua kelas, org KK, she knows one of my senior who beats me up back at school(darn that hazif guy, nsib pndai, bljar tinggi2 sda dy skg, x pa la, smoga dy bjaya dlm hdup)...
Ira...budak sri putri tuuuu (top school la katakn, skola ku dlu(SMSLD) blik2 rank at the bottom among SBPs school), kind, emotional as in very emotional, loves her friends, knows a lot in religious issues(i think), same like adell, always shares her food with me,hhe...
Ninie...good friend, kwn se'The Spring' n MBO, loves to eat, kwn baek teaq, koreanatic, loves suju, have a good memory, very kind hearted, her family is veryyyyy kind(her family even let us borrow their house to shoot some scene for our assignments), kazen Siti Nurhaliza,hehehehehehe :p a DSLR camera(uuuuuuuu...), kind, the Sebastian Vettel of our class(note that Schumacer is no longer the F1 raining champion, use vettel, he's today's schumacer) coz she drives really fast(according to sources that is, i myself never experienced her driving before but i am looking 4wad to,hhe..)
Doohan...good guy, good friend, baru jak smalam crita2 sal skola ma dy ni(turn out that our schools r more or less the same,hhe...well, maybe coz its the hostel life...*sigh*...i sure am missing the glory days at school...), ruggers(rugby is a tough game, played by gentlemen), good leader, got lot of experience in him...
Arel...SASUKE AAAA(read with japanese accent and tone)!!!keras palak, his favorite quotes? "sik mok", sensitive(Mr. Iskandar, 2011), doesn't give a damn about anything, loves to read manga, saving the world with gundam,hehehehehe :p...
Niera...hahahhaha...suddenly the face of this cat i saw during the cat show last saturday came to my head,hahaha...they really look alike,hahaha...but niera is kind, i heard that she's somthng u dont wanna mess with when she's angry, got lot of moves in her when presenting in class,hhe..
Dzele...kind, a very good friend n i can guarantee u that, i get to know her the same way like jali, became friends during the orientation week(the three of us were in the same group, thats why), koreanatic, budak mozac(power tuuuu), dah ada boyfriend who happens to know my friend, fiona, while he's at uitm(tetiba jk fiona msuk,haha), good at playing flute... rumate, got a new girlfriend(peewweeeiittt,kakak2,haha :p ), artist as in a singer, a good singer n actor, a good actor also..i always use his cotton bud without him knowing, u noe jam, things to be done as soon as possible....
yours truly a.k.a Akim a.k.a owner of the blog....perlu ka??don't need la,hehehe
well, i think thats it...semester 3 is coming to an end and the examination is just around the hairpin(cam F1 la plak,hhe), i sure do hope the unity bond of this class bcme stronger, we'll b tghter for 5 years guys,hoho..
lastly, this post is written with lots of honesty n never came to my mind with any intention to 'menganok' or being sarcastic to u..if its hurting ur feeling n u r crying rght now or at this vry time ur abt to ngumpat saying tht alaaaa, akim, cam bgus btul sna mo bgi kmen sal kmekorg,
well, thousand of apologies from me :) i nver intended to do only hope is our friendship will become stronger(eeuuuwwwww) coz we'll b together for 5 years(again, eeuuuwwwww)...dah2, jam 1:21 sda ni, mo mandi,hehehehe :p